Hawaii HB 1902: Police Can Touch My What?

    HAWAII: You shouldn’t write any legislation that would allow law enforcement to sexually assault or abuse vulnerable populations in any way and that’s what HB 1902 proposes to do in section 12(5). Legislation like this prevents sex trafficking victims and prostitutes from access to equal protection under the law and the due process protections of the justice system.

      NH HB 1614 Tabled tho Telling

      Update on: NH HB 1614  TABLED tho TELLING: Vote shy by just seven (7) votes! Industry advocates from left to right, Bella, Elizabeth Edwards, Rachel West + Caitlin Edwards: Good work, ladies. We salute [...]

      (Prostitutes) In Prison: Tracy Elise

      (PROSTITUTES) IN PRISON Subject: Update on Temple Goddess Tracy Elise Alicia M Clark, The Republic | azcentral.com March 1, 2016  The long-running case of Tracy Elise, leader of the Phoenix Goddess Temple, appears to be [...]

      (Prostitutes) In Prison: Latesha Clay

      Subject: Update on Latesha Clay WHY IS THIS CHILD IN PRISON IN MICHIGAN? Isn't Safe Harbor supposed to protect exploited youth by offering them services as opposed to sentencing? John Agar for Michigan [...]

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