Update on: NH HB 1614 
TABLED tho TELLING: Vote shy by just seven (7) votes!
From left to right, Bella, Elizabeth Edwards, Rachel West + Caitlin Edwards

Industry advocates from left to right, Bella, Elizabeth Edwards, Rachel West + Caitlin Edwards: Good work, ladies. We salute your efforts on behalf of safer work conditions, and human rights for sex workers.!

Watch Rep Edwards at 8 min 29 second mark  (HB1614)


Coyote RI adds:
“While we only lost by 7 votes, you can see the shady shenanigans that they pulled by conveniently losing the first vote and refusing to use the youtube  and the photo of the vote sheet. So they had to cheat to win and they still only won by 7 votes.  (152 to 145)”
Rep. Edwards says: My wife Caitlin took video from the gallery. The very beginning is cut off where:
I say, "Thank you, Mr. Speaker... We rely on committees to study the issue
on our behalf, but in this case, the committee report of 13-3 does not tell
the whole story.


The bill was then tabled, so we didn't get a real vote on the bill."